Theme structure
Knowledge check
The layout folder
Knowledge check
The config folder
Knowledge check
The template folder
Knowledge check
The sections folder
Knowledge check
The locales folder
Knowledge check
The snippets folder
Knowledge check
The assets folder
Lab Part 1: Prep your environment for theme work
Lab Part 2: Analyze Accelerator theme code
Lab Part 3: Liquid syntax for metafields & metaobjects
Theme blocks
Course Feedback

Theme architecture with Liquid for Developers
Course 2 of 4 in Liquid Storefronts for Theme Developers
This course introduces you to Shopify’s standard theme architecture while diving deeper into the Liquid basics learned in the previous course.
This course introduces you to Shopify’s standard theme architecture. We will dive into real Liquid use cases as we explore Shopify themes in order to develop a deeper understanding of how Liquid supports modern, performant, and beautiful online stores.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
- Describe the key elements of a theme including layout and config files, templates, sections, and section settings
- Describe what the Liquid code embedded in each file type is “doing” in the storefront
How to get started
You can go through this course at your own pace and on any device. For information about minimum technology requirements to access courses and assessments, navigate to our Help page.